Main Office
800 Roosevelt Road,
Building C, Suite 206
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

(630) 423-5935


It used to be that therapy for drug or alcohol addiction was done separately from therapy for the treatment of mental health disorders. Consequently many people who suffered from depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc. never received treatment for their substance abuse – and vice versa.  Unfortunately, if left untreated, underlying mental health disorders can lead to chronic relapse. And untreated addictive disorders can lead to worsening mental health disorders.  This often results in stalled or unsuccessful treatment. So treating all of what is wrong through co-occurring disorders therapy is imperative.


At Life Care Wellness, we understand the importance of treating the whole person.  We treat addictive disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders at the same time, increasing success rates and quality of life. Life Care has therapists on staff with specialized training in substance abuse treatment – Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselors. They are masters-level therapists with specialized training in mental health and in substance abuse treatment.  They can treat process addictions, as well, including sexual addiction, problem gambling, gaming addiction, problem shopping, and more.

At Life Care, we ensure that you have an integrated recovery plan designed to address the effects of mental health conditions while supporting addiction recovery. We also help you address unique relapse triggers, such as depression, mood swings, trauma, and panic attacks.





If you have an addiction and a mental health issue, contact Life Care today at 630-423-5935 for integrated, co-occurring disorders therapy.